Hayden's 6 Month Check-Up

Hayden had his 6 month check up yesterday and is perfectly healthy. He weighed in at 16 pounds 6 ounces and is 26 1/4 inches long. He is really starting to show his personality. He loves to chase Brea around even though is not really crawling yet. He army crawls all over the place and is super fast. He loves to talk and tells all kinds of great stories. To bad we can't understand them. He is almost sleeping through the night. He gets up at 2am to eat and goes back to sleep until 7am. He has such a good temperament (we have been blessed not to have any cranky kids)and loves to give kisses. We sure are blessed to have him in our family.


Kathy said...

Yes, we are very blessed to have him in our family.

Katie said...

I found your blog through your mom's, so now I'm "blog stalking" you. Your family is darling!
Love ya

Tawna said...

Your family is so cute! I didn't know that you were pregnant again! How fun to have your kids so close together. Your little girl is darling by the way. Phoenix also had to have tubes in her ears (she's 3 not 14 though) and she did ok.

Anonymous said...

hi there Sis! He is so cute! Surecan't wait to see the little frog.

No soy Poeta said...

Hi! i saw your blog and i really like your family. it is so cute. I dont have brothers or sisters but i would love to have one.

love ya!