Curry Christmas 2008

First off we hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Ours started at 7:00am when the kids got up and went to the living room to find a ball pit for then to play in. This was Hayden's first Christmas so it was extra special for us. Brea was not 100% sure what was supposed to happen but she figured it real quick. Hayden loved tearing off the wrapping paper but then just wanted to play with it. Go figure... you spend good money on toys and all they want to play with is the packaging.

This is Brea in a "blur" of unwrapping....

Hayden got his first piece of heavy equipment.

Elton's favorite gift was Battleship...

Our first tea party on Christmas morning...

And the best present of the day for me was Hayden finally started crawling. He still army crawls but only when he is chasing Brea or the cats. He is also walking behind any objects he can push... his favorite is the rocking chair.
After we opened presents and had a wonderful waffle breakfast we went to Elton's folks for a fantastic lunch and had a great visit. It was a nice lazy day... just they way they sould be.


Kathy said...

The little ones are so cute. Can hardly wait to get there to see them. Looks like they had a great Christmas.