Happy Hanukkah Art Kane

Elton's dad Art was raised in the Jewish faith and as a kids Elton and Ron were "combo kids" meaning they celebrated both Hanukkah and Christmas. Although neither one carries on the tradition of celebrating Hanukkah I want to take a moment to honor Art. I know he looks down on his sons with love and pride and he is greatly missed.

What is Hanukkah .....

Hanukkah commemorates the victory of a band of Jewish warriors, the Maccabees, over the Syrian king Antiochus almost 2,500 years ago. After driving out the Syrians, the Maccabees reoccupied the Temple of Jerusalem, where they found enough oil to keep the all-important “Eternal Light” shining for only one day. Miraculously, the oil lasted for eight days, hence the eight days of Hanukkah (which is derived from the Hebrew word for “rededication.”)