Trick or Treat

Happy Halloween!!!! I hope everyone had as much fun this year as we did. This was Hayden's first Halloween and Brea's first year of real trick or treating and she was a total joy. Although she never mastered saying "trick or treat" she did say "Hi" and "Bye" to every person she got candy from. It only took her 2 houses to figure out that if she was cute (which she always is) she would get a surprise. Hayden really didn't do much but watch and hang out. Next year will be better for him....

The 3 kids.. Nolan as Saggy.. Hayden the Duck.. Brea the cutest Fairy

Happy Hayden Baby

Brea and her silly fairy hair

Brea the cutest Fairy

Nolan went as Shaggy to his first high school party

Brea getting candy

Hayden chill'n while Brea did her thing

Brea loves trick or treating

Happy Birthday Art Kane

Happy Birthday to a wonderful man. Although I never had the pleasure of meeting Art I know that he was a loving caring person who adored his family. Art and Gail were married on September 21, 1978 and thus began the Curry-Kane family. He raised Ron and Elton as his own and they lived a wonderful life in Conifer, Colorado. Art also spent countless hours working with hemophiliac kids. He was a blessing to all who had the opportunity to know him. Art passed away on January 14, 2000 after having a massive heart attack. He is missed but we know he is still with us always.

A little change does everyone some good...

I have to confess that I love the show The Biggest Loser. I think that the stories (even though most of it is completely out of context with what has really happened) are very inspirational. After seeing an episode a few weeks ago I decided to look at trying to eat better. I have always been a person that doesn't eat breakfast, I might have a little lunch and then by dinner I am famished and tend to over eat thus making myself sick.... go figure. So I started look around on the internet because I had no idea where to start. I came across an article (that I can't find anywhere now) about how the Biggest Loser show teaches the contestants to eat a balanced gylcemic index meal. Basically that means that each meal and snack has a source of protein, good carbohydrates and fat in a healthy combination. It also said that people over eat everyday because we have no idea how much or even what we are really eating. I personally couldn't tell you the difference between a good or bad carb or a low fat vs. a high fat food. The article also made reference to a web site for people with diabetes call ( has some really great recipes. So of course I went to the site and I was amazed at the type of recipes they had... I mean really I always thought eating healthy didn't taste good... who knew. I also learned that for those looking to try and eat better there are a few steps that are proven to help and the bonus is if you are looking to lose weight you will.

1. you should eat 3 meals a day that are roughly 300 calories and 2 snacks that are roughly 100 calories.
2. You should eat with 1 hour of waking and never go more than 5 hours without eating.
3. Drink lots of water... it helps break down fats and flush out toxins
4. Don't drink caffeine or fruit juice (eat fresh fruit instead)
5. Eat your first snack between lunch and dinner and your second snack about an hour before you go to bed.
6. Exercise a little every day.

After talking to my mom the other day I just thought I would share what I found. I know that with the non- stop motion of life it can be hard to take care of yourself.

No More Myspace Pimping

Last week one of the boys was "pimping" his mysapce page and somehow managed to download a virus on the one working computer we have ( I ruined our desktop computer when I downloaded a virus looking for cute scrapbook page ideas... go me) so anyway it has been the longest week ever.... I had to hand write a letter to a government agency... not fun... took me 4 drafts to get a letter completed... I had to manually pay bills... couldn't tell you the last time I did that... Love the on-line bill pay... I couldn't check my emails, felt totally out of the loop... And don't even get me started on the fact that I was blog-less. I might get 10 minutes a day to have a little me time and you guessed it I check my bolg. So with that being said I am sooooo happy to have our computer back and virus free.... YEAH....

Hayden's First Tooth

Hayden cut his first tooth today. He has been chewing on everything in sight the last few days... just ask Brea... she can tell you all about it.

Brothers & Sisters

Brea discovered that if she can stand on an object she can get stuff off the counter.... Hayden has discovered that whatever Brea is standing on can be knocked out from under her.....

Half Way There

I am officially 20 weeks along today. I am surprised how fast this pregnancy is going for me. I guess when you have 2 under the age of 2 it doesn't leave you a lot of time to think about anything really. I can't wait to get Payton here...